Low Hand Jackpot

Some poker rooms have a high hand jackpot, and some do a version of a low hand jackpot with the 27 rule. Here is a new low hand jackpot idea I am toying with for my next poker game:

Worst Hand of the Night JACKPOT

When buying in all players will contribute $3.50 to the WORST WINNING HAND OF THE NIGHT JACKPOT.

1. You have to win with it
2. You have to show it obviously
3. Game starts at 8pm and whoever has won with the worst hand at 11pm gets the JACKPOT
4. This is a little different than the 27 rule in that you have to win with a 5 card hand. The jackpot winning hand would be a lowball type hand not a Razz one, ie the worst possible hand being a 23457 without a flush.
5. If you find this confusing you will be required to donate an extra $5 to the JACKPOT!!