Here are a few things that happened:

My neighbor John's daughter came in to take care of things after he died. She had the apartment open and said to take anything we wanted. I kind of wanted to root around all of the stuff he had, and not really take anything. I sometimes think I will find something in yard sales, etc. Not necessarily something valuable, but something that will unlock things for me, open up a new understanding of things... but not a dark or morbid understanding, more something along the lines of a type of an enlightenment that renders me happy and fulfilled. I am not sure what I am hoping to find beyond that... or maybe what I mean to say is that I have no idea what thing, what bound unity of physical construction will enable this flight to a place beyond...

Is this heretical, this thing I want?

Maybe I should cool it with the yard sales, the little free libraries, the slowing down to look in the bins on trash day..

I had been telling myself for months now, maybe even a year, that it would be a fun activity to start practicing caligraphy of classical Chinese characters.. My idea was that once I got to be somewhat decent at it, I could paint some Tang poems.. You can do worse that to have a sheet of Li Po poems on your walls... Anyhow, I had been putting off this idea forever, and probably wasn't going to ever do it, but among the stuff in John's apartment there were plenty of brushes, scrolls of paper, and even some black paint. Now I just gotta make a habit of it.

This month's...

They're talking about running out of beer and how it just hangs in the air-- not the beer, but the tragedy of it all being gone

Of course they're all loaded up with the stuff, and slow to move, slower to talk, stumbling around almost. It's time for bed.

Had a long time ago- I probably have it somewhere around here still maybe, that Go Betweens album with Spring Rain on it, etc. Was living in a small room, it was supposed to have been a porch. Maybe I had a roommate back there, I forget. It was like a month or so, maybe a summer. And then the roommates moved out and I got a bigger room when September came around, and I started listening to that Richard Davies album with the song Transcontinental on it. I used to listen to it as I got ready for work. I played a lot of that, and then I got into that Edwyn Collins album with the there's never been a girl like you before song...

I dunno, these were things that happened a long time ago. No point in mentioning them really other than to remove to html page that used to be here announcing some poker game from back in February. May not have even been February of this year,...

Snow's usually pretty dirty when February comes around, at least in Boston.